What are the Benefits of a Spring Yard Clean-Up?

Warmer, longer days are just around the corner. March is the month that many people take to deep cleaning their home.What are the Benefits of a Spring Yard Clean-Up?

This might come as decluttering or vacuuming every surface twice. Why not include “spring yard clean-up” in your list of spring-cleaning chores this year?

There are multiple reasons that you should do so, apart from getting your mower ready for the warmer months. Creating a strong spring clean-up plan now prepares your yard for success throughout the year.

When Should I Do A Spring Yard Clean-Up?

March is prime time for scheduling a spring yard clean-up service.

The grass and other plants have not begun growing in earnest, and pests aren’t out in full force. So, you can get started guarding and feeding your yard well before you have problems to actually solve. These are just nine of the benefits you get from having a professional clean-up.

The Benefits You Can Expect

Say Goodbye to Debris

Winter winds and heavy winter ice can damage your yard in a variety of ways. When ice measures its claws on trees and shrubs, they can shed branches.

Deep snow can encourage snow mold, and you probably won’t see it until spring comes. Your landscapers will clear away fallen branches, twigs and the dead leaves left over from the fall. You might be asking: aren’t dead leaves good mulch?

Indeed they are, but too often the leaves are too dense, creating micro-environments that allow for the proliferation of diseases such as mold, mildew, and fungi. Many pests are drawn to dank, dark spots as well.

Your lawn care techs will also thatch your lawn with care. Since grasses is part of its life cycle and the blades die off they fall back into the (soil) and provide nutrients.

When you have too much of thatch build-up, though, it stifles your grass. Letting the lawn breathe à la thatching – ‘the process of removing matted layers of dead grass and debris with a rake’ – gives it room to breathe, literally.

Get A One-Stop-Shop Experience

Renting or purchasing all the tools and supplies necessary for a thorough spring yard clean-up can be expensive.

A professional company saves you money and ensures you don’t have to do anything. No more dragging sacks of mulch. No more searching the aisles of the hardware store for the perfect fertilizer.

Just with a single phone call, you can have a team of experienced and professionally licensed technicians that will service all of your yard’s needs.

Your Yard Is Ready for Longterm Bloom

The heat and pests of summer will find your yard a tougher opponent if you’ve cared for it well in spring. Nothing in life is guaranteed, but taking good care of your yard now only increases the chance that it will thrive later.

Essential Tips for Maintaining Tree Health and Safety

Dead or dying branches make trees look bad and are a danger. When branches come crashing down, everything in their path can sustain damage – homes, vehicles and people.

Having a professional trim & prune your trees and shrubs is also high on the list of items to add to your spring yard clean-up checklist. It maintains the well being and shape of a healthy tree and prevents them from causing future headaches.

Mulch Correctly

As I noted above, some people use the dead leaves that their trees naturally produce as mulch in their garden.

This can be helpful, but if leaves aren’t run through a mulcher, if too thick of a layer is applied or if a “mulch volcano” is created, you are not really doing your yard any favors. There are various types of mulch – stones are considered mulch – and some perform better than others based on your specific scenario.

We recommend you don’t hesitate to ask your lawn care professional as to which type of mulch or stones are best for you!

Getting Rid of Gross Gutters

If you’ve ever cleaned out a gutter, you know how quickly and easily dark black sludge can accumulate. This occurs when organic material decomposes over time. This stuff also makes a great fertilizer for your garden topsoil, but it does not belong in your gutters, where it can cause them to clog and still water flow.

Yanking out the yuck and flushing gutters with the garden hose is backbreaking work that involves repeated trips up and down a ladder. Why not leave it to your yard clean-up crew?

Say Good Riddance to Weeds

Applying a solid pre-emergent, the selective herbicide will kill the weeds before they even have the chance to germinate but carefully leave your other plants and also lawn unharmed.

Selective means they only kill unwanted plants, and pre-emergent, as you might have guessed, means they kill weeds before they sprout. There are also post-emergent weed prevents for weeds that spring up later in the season.

Enjoy A Thicker, Lusher Lawn

This two-for-one application is honestly one of the best spring yard clean-up tricks we can give.

Aeration & Overseeding:

These TWO lawn applications go hand-in-hand & for good reason. Aeration loosens up the soil so that water, air, nutrients and sunlight can reach grassroots more readily, and overseeding knit together thinning or bare patches of grass both quickly and efficiently.

Plus, when overseeding is performed post-aeration, the small holes made from aeration help the turfgrass seeds penetrate your lawn.

Get Advice for The Future

While your lawn care crew is preparing your yard for spring, they can also make recommendations and point out things you should do as summer and fall arrive.

They can also let you know about any areas of concern. If, for example, you have water collecting on your property, that could be a hangout for mosquitoes down the line.

Schedule Your Spring Yard Clean-Up with ASAP Sands Outdoor Services

Just say the word and an army of licensed professionals will arrive at your home to handle your spring clean-up needs.

ASAP Sands Outdoor Services is excited to offer a spring yard clean-up program that includes gutter cleaning, aeration and overseeding to ensure that your yard is primed for success in the upcoming year.

Call us at 505-293-4014 or contact us online here. Want more lawn care tips and advice? Give our monthly blog a visit!